Master Lu Gui Rong
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Taijiquan is evolutionary from the point of view that it has been modified by various masters over time. If it was Master Lu Gui Rong's journey of the internal martial arts has spanned over 50 years. He is a master of Wu (Hao) taijiquan, Yang taijiquan, and Dayan (Wild Goose) qigong. His Wu/Hao taiji lineage is traced from Wao Shou Ru, who was te\he grandson of Hao Wei. Zhen. Hao Wei Zhen's teacher was Li Yi Yu,nephew of the creator of the style, Wu Yu Xiang. The 96 movement long form that is demonstrated first is derived from this branch of taijiquan. The first section (movements 1 -24) is also demonstrated twice at the beginning and end of the form repetition segment. The five form movement groups are performed four times each before moving on to the next group.
PRODUCT: Volume Forty-two -- $49.95 - Item: SKU042
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Master Lu Gui Rong continues with the second and third sections of the 96 movement long form. The second section (movements 25-42) and third section (movements 43-64) are also demonstrated twice at the beginning and end of the corresponding form repetition segment. In the form repetition segments the four groupings of movements of section two and six groupings of section three are performed four times each before moving on to the next group.
If you don't wish to purchase the DVD format, streaming this title to rent or purchase is available by clicking here.